
Novogen Brown Pullet

Novogen Brown Pullet

Regular price $162.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $162.50 USD
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Day Old Novogen Brown 

  • Egg Layer
  • 250+ Eggs annually
  • Calm, easy to manage
  • Cockerel 4 lbs, Pullet 3.5 lbs.
  • APA not recognized/hybrid
  • Conservation status not applicable 


If you are looking for a chicken breed that is perfect for colder climates, the Novogen Brown Chicken is an excellent choice. The Novogen Brown is a type of Red Sex-Link chicken, which is a cold-hardy version of the popular ISA Brown breed. Novogen Brown Layers are healthy and robust birds that thrive in free-range and pastured environments. 

These birds are hybrid crosses developed from Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns. They are red sex-linked hybrids, where males are mostly white, and females are reddish-brown, with light-colored under-feathers. Interestingly, the breeder stock is just the opposite in coloring. Novogen Brown Layers are known for excellent feed conversion and will lay strong shelled, high-quality eggs. 

Calm and easy to manage, Novogen Browns mature quickly and begin laying at around 20 weeks of age. You can expect to get 5 or more eggs per week per hen. They are also known for laying over 250 eggs annually. 

It's worth noting that the Novogen Brown Layer is not recognized by the APA, and is considered a hybrid breed. However, the conservation status is not applicable. 

The Novogen Company in France developed the Novogen Brown Layer as part of a breeding program for high-quality egg production birds that perform well in pastured and other cage-free and non-confinement environments. Novogen is dedicated to expanding the gene pool in the egg industry and providing great birds for independent egg producers. The Novogen Brown Layer is an excellent example of what the company has accomplished.


***Adding 1 to your cart equals 1 order of 25 Novogen Brown pullet day old chicks. 

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